ValuesJam Fanzine Edition 6

Value of the month:

Protection of the Environment

ValuesJam- Happiness

Important dates coming up:

1 April-

April Fools’ Day

 3 April-

Easter Sunday

14 April –


15 April –

Good Friday

17 April-

Easter Sunday

18 April-

Easter Monday

22 April –

National Earth Day

23rd April –

National Shakespeare Day

26th April

World Values Day Planning Sessions Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

29th April:

ValuesJam The Guest Sessions Series go live

Special Offers:


With the cost of everything sky-rocketing we thought we would do the opposite and take 20% off all decks for the month of April.


ValuesJam cards make a lovely Easter gift as an alternative to chocolate (only kidding NOTHING is a good alternative to chocolate)!! 

Click below to get your ValuesJam Card Deck:

£24.99 each

Studio Highlights

ValuesJam on YouTube

We’ve had some great feedback about our Youtube Channel so far, and as its SPRINGTIME let’s GROW our followers. 

Tag us when you watch and/or share with your networks.  The most number of shares will win a FREE ValuesJam deck AND a chocolate egg!  #generosity.

Please do let us know what is your favourite session so far.

Latest publications on the ValuesJam YouTube channel: ValuesJam

Lisa and Alan ValuesJam Challenge

HAPPINESS ValuesJam Deep Dive Conversation   

ValuesJam The Guest Session Series Ft. Ross Wilson

Click the icon to visit our channel (and please like and subscribe!)


 ValuesJam Youtube Channel

Did you know?

It is ValuesJam Limited’s first birthday on 6th May 2022.

You are all invited to a party at 1600 BST.

Is this too early for a cocktail, we wonder? Details to follow…

Favourite Lyrics

I see trees so green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I see skies so blue and clouds so white.
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do.
They’re really saying I love you.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow.
They’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know.
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.
Song by Louis Armstrong

ValuesJammer on Stage

Piotr (Peter) Lesniak

Piotr (Peter) Lesniak is ValuesJammer VJ000020

Who are you?

I’m Peter, an engineer – business development manager – tree planter – social entrepreneur. Currently working at Terraformation trying to solve climate change by empowering communities around the world with tech, knowledge and finance to scale their forest restoration efforts. Current focus is on setting up a global decentralised network of seed banks, to empower communities to collect seeds of biodiverse species before it’s too late. 


What are your core values?

Honesty. Integrity. Self-awareness. Protecting the Environment. The last one is connected to making order in the world.


Why did you join the ValuesJam community?

Not often we get to speak about values. People shy away from these sorts of conversations. Perhaps it makes them feel vulnerable? However, I found that when we’re able to be vulnerable with another person, that’s when real bond begins to build. I often feel that after playing ValuesJam with a stranger I know them more deeply than some of the people I had in my life for a long time.

 Another reason why I joined the ValuesJam community is to reconnect with my own values, and deepen my own understanding of them. Learning from others has been key. 


How are you using your ValuesJam card decks?  

 Mostly with my family, my younger brother, but sometimes with my colleagues and people I meet via the community. Playing with my younger brother was an opportunity for me to be the person I wanted to have in my life at his age.


Fave rock n roll moment of magic from a ValuesJam session    

Having an open hearted conversation around a dinner table with my mom and stepdad about Recognition. It was a real moment of vulnerability. We spoke about society, about work, about the grooves of habit we’ve fallen into at home, and how recognition (or appreciation) is the fundamental value to cultivate in order to live a life of fulfilment. Recognition of others, but more importantly, the recognition and appreciation we have towards ourselves, and of our efforts which we often neglect habitually focusing on the negative or not being enough. 


How could more PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT improve the world?

 To me this answer has three levels. The surface level answer is concerned with tackling the effects of global warming and pollution. It means more fertile soils, clean oceans, less poverty caused by extreme weather conditions, water security and better health in general around the globe. 

 One level deeper we see there are benefits to wildlife and biodiversity. This means improved, more resilient ecosystems. The first two levels are interconnected.

 However, there is another level that not many people talk about enough. There is a psychic element of having nature in our surroundings, and of protecting our immediate environment. The environment in which we live sustains us, and impacts the quality of our thoughts and emotions. It subconsciously affects how we feel about ourselves, about those around us, about the world in general. There is no doubt about this – a simple walk in the park can help us turn the corner and feel better. So protecting the environment within our immediate surroundings can bring more harmony, sustain, and empower our local communities in ways we cannot comprehend. 


What drew you to adopt the ValuesJam card Protection of the Environment?

I was fortunate to meet Alan and learn about the ValuesJam community whilst working on the More Trees Campaign (you can read more about it here), a community tree planting project in Watford, UK. The card was a natural choice given the circumstance and the work I’m involved in with the campaign, my work on self-awareness, and at Terraformation

ValuesJammer Top Tips

Why not share your top tips for using your ValuesJam deck? 

We want to know what you think of this fanzine? What do you want to see, hear, feel? What ideas do you have for future editions?
We would also love to feature some of your comments about ValuesJam on the website. Please email a star rating out of 5 and a short, expressive comment to

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