ValuesJam Fanzine Edition 38
Value of the month:

Important dates this month:
1st January
New Years Day and Global Family Day
18th January
National Winnie The Pooh Day
16th January
EDUCATION VALUESJAM DEEPDIVE CONVERSATION Tickets, Thu 16 Jan 2025 at 17:00 | Eventbrite
24th January
International Day of Education
25th January
See the full ValuesJam Deepdive 2025 calendar and register or mark your calendar now.

ValuesJam on YouTube
ValuesJam Guide for Communities
ValuesJam have created a FREE guide for communities which can be downloaded from our website:
If you haven’t had chance yet, check out the wonderful ValuesJam Deepdive conversation on the YouTube channel |
Latest publications on the ValuesJam YouTube channel: ValuesJam
Gig Reviews
The ValuesJam Guest Session Series in 2024 received rave reviews so this will continue weekly for 2025 and we already have some fantastic ValuesJams ‘in the can’. Interestingly, some of the most interesting ValuesJams are when a card is chosen that, at first, might seem challenging or even less interesting.
Here are Decembers Guest Series session:
LEARNING ft Sharon Chow
FAITH ft Shahmeen Sadiq
BALANCE ft Navin Goyal
Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to our channel which means we now have a customised YouTube handle!! (1) ValuesJam – YouTube
Linda Simpson (this month’s ValuesJammer in the spotlight) is now distributing ValuesJam card decks from the Edmonton ValuesJam studio in Edmonton Canada. This means that friends in Canada will be able to receive their card decks, faster, cheaper and with less carbon footprint.
Did you know?
Global Family Day Global Family Day (January 1st) | Days Of The Year is celebrated as a day of peace and sharing on 1st January. Its aim is to unite and spread a message of peace by considering and promoting the idea that Earth is one Global Family so as to make the world a better place to live for everyone. |
Special Offer
Watch out for our Valentine’s offer in February: Save £10 with a “Yours and Mine” duo pack for £50.00 (plus VAT in UK)
Keep your eyes peeled in your email inbox!
Whats Coming Up
We are thrilled to be offering a calendar of ValuesJam Deepdive conversations starting with EDUCATION and here are other 2025 dates for your diary
Favourite Lyrics
Here are some tracks that became anthems of change 12 Songs that Became Anthems of Change | Berklee
What tracks would be on your ValuesJam playlist for 2025 (songs associated with values, generally or specifically)?

ValuesJammer in the Spotlight
Linda Simpson
Who are you?
I am Linda Simpson from northern Alberta, Canada where the winters are long and cold. The summers may be short but the days are long. My husband and I recently retired and enjoy travelling across Canada during the summer months in our RV. I feel like I’m closer to God when I’m in the Rocky Mountains. They are mesmerizing and they ground me and help me find stillness and peace.
I’m a proud mom to one son who lives in Ontario, on the other side of Canada from me. He’s a member of the Canadian Military and has taught me so much about courage and strength.
I enjoy spending time at the gym and getting together with friends whenever I can.
When I worked as an IT project manager, some of my proudest moments came from creating an environment where my team members could explore solutions without pressure and without judgement.
Since I retired, I still find joy in having deep conversations and making meaningful connections.
What are your core values?
Honesty / Trust – I’ve discovered honesty with myself to be a game changer in how I show up in the world. When I am honest about what is important to me, I can make decisions that align with my values. My ability to create a safe and trusting space for others is very important to me.
Compassion / Self-Compassion – It takes courage to show up honestly. That starts with self-compassion. Self-compassion allows me to show up with all my flaws and it helps me be compassionate to others. No one is perfect and a little compassion goes a long way. When we give ourselves compassion, we don’t ruminate in past decisions. Self-compassion gives us space to forgive, learn and grow.
Belonging – Our intuition tells us when we are in belonging. I didn’t realize this until I left a toxic work environment and started to learn what belonging really is. In belonging, we can show up as ourselves. Those who we have belonging with want the best for us for no other reason than the fact that we belong to them. They do not try to make us conform to fit in. When we belong, we are free to be who we are.
Kindness – It’s a crazy world. People are busy more than ever. Sometimes we just need to pause and smile. You never know what it will mean to the other person. Kindness is an act that is never wasted.
Why did you join the ValuesJam community?
The ValuesJam community is a welcoming place of belonging, curiosity and kindness. So many of the conversations are inspiring. The ValuesJam cards provide an excellent way to learn more about another person. When I listen to how another’s values help them to guide their life, it’s opens my own mind.
How are you using your ValuesJam card decks?
My husband and I take turns choosing a card from the deck. I enjoy listening to his perspective to the questions and how a value impacts his life. I learn things that I never knew about him and that’s exciting.
I get together with a group of women that I’ve known since we were all 5 years old. We live in different cities and our visits are mostly virtual. We have the most amazing conversations when I pick a card for us to discuss. We share what the value means to us based on our lived experiences. It’s an amazing way to have deep conversations.
Favourite rock n roll moment of magic from a ValuesJam session?
My favourite rock n roll moment from a ValuesJam session was learning how important self-compassion is to living an authentic life. I used to be so busy trying to fit in that I lost who I was. When I started using self-compassion, the armour of living how I thought others wanted me to be melted away and I found that I am perfectly fine just as I am.
How could better EDUCATION improve the world?
There seems to be so much pressure on young people today to make adult decisions. I think it’s important that children learn about their core values early in their lives to help them create strong self-worth. This will give them the courage to think freely and put into action those things that will improve our world.
Contact details
LinkedIn –
ValuesJammer Top Tips
…If you are searching for inspiration for a New Year’s resolution, turn to your ValuesJam card deck. Draw three cards at random and devise a resolution for the New Year that brings them together. Why not share your top tips for using your ValuesJam deck? |
We already distribute from Australia, UK, USA and now Canada. Please be in touch if you know somebody who might be interested to set up a ValuesJam studio and distribution arrangement in other parts of the world eg EU, India, Far East etc
Contact Us
London – New Mexico – Sydney-Edmonton

Contact Us
London – New Mexico- Sydney- Edmonton-Cities Worldwide
131 Eglinton Hill
London SE18 3NT
Registered Number 5562370
VAT Registered Number 105170852

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