ValuesJam Fanzine Edition 33


Value of the month:


Important dates this month:

4th July

Independence Day USA

18th July

Nelson Mandela International Day, 18 July, For Freedom, Justice and Democracy (

11th July

Friendship ValuesJam Deepdive conversation 

30th July

International Day of Friendship | United Nations


ValuesJam on YouTube

ValuesJam have created a FREE VALUES Bringing Values to Life guide for World Values Day which can be downloaded from our website:

Bringing Values to Life

We already distribute from Australia, UK and USA  Please be in touch if you know somebody who might be interested to set up a ValuesJam studio and distribution arrangement in other parts of the world eg EU, India, Far East etc.

Latest publications on the ValuesJam YouTube channel: ValuesJam

Here are the ValuesJam GuestSession videos from June:

COURAGE ft. Christine Freeland

GENEROSITY ft Robyn Simpson

EXCITEMENT ft Eden Hingston

Sign up to the channel ValuesJam – YouTube

Please let us know what is your favourite session so far.


International Day of Friendship

The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.

The resolution places emphasis on involving young people, as future leaders, in community activities that include different cultures and promote international understanding and respect for diversity.

To mark the International Day of Friendship the UN encourages governments, international organizations and civil society groups to hold events, activities and initiatives that contribute to the efforts of the international community towards promoting a dialogue among civilizations, solidarity, mutual understanding and reconciliation.

The International Day of Friendship is an initiative that follows on the proposal made by UNESCO defining the Culture of Peace as a set of values, attitudes and behaviours that reject violence and endeavour to prevent conflicts by addressing their root causes with a view to solving problems. It was then adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1997.

International Day of Friendship | United Nations

Here’s a playlist of songs about frienship The 20 best songs about friendship (

In the ValuesJam studio our vote goes to

Oh, you’re the first one

When things turn out bad

You know I’ll never be lonely

You’re my only one and I love the things

I really love the things that you do (ooh)

Oh, you’re my best friend

Ooh, you make me live”

ValuesJammer Call to Action

Answer this 30 second poll to share which values you think are most in play in Bringing Values To Life.  Allocate 100 points across these suggestions 

For World Values Day, we are planning a ValuesJamathon from 1-31 October.  Each day  a ValuesJammer will post live on LinkedIn to draw a ValuesJam card at random and ask a question to invite conversation. You can be one of the 31 ValuesJammers taking one day each to post at 1900 GMT.  First come first served!  If you snooze you lose.  

ValuesJammer in the Spotlight


Who are you?

Maura Delehanty, RN, Life coach,

The photo shows a bunch of girl friends on a recent trip to Key Bay in British Virgin Islands as we jumped off the Willie T’s barge (Peter Island)

What are your core values?  

Integrity, courage, authenticity and compassion

Why did you join the ValuesJam community? 

Loved the idea as soon as I read about it. Inspired by the idea of “creating harmony all over the world!”

How are you using/planning to use your ValuesJam card decks? 

 I use the cards with family and with co-workers to create that atmosphere of open dialogue where we can discuss any topic in a safe, responsible and fun manner.  Considering adding the cards to our morning huddle in the Emergency Department and ICU. I believe it may start something special and connect us in a way we haven’t been able to.


Fave rock n roll moment of magic from a ValuesJam session? 

Can’t choose just one! Some magic seems to be thrown up frequently.


How could more FRIENDSHIP improve the world?

I believe friendship fosters understanding, empathy and cooperation among people which can bridge cultural, racial and socio-economic divides, leading to more harmonious and inclusive societies. Building friendships, social connections and support systems can reduce stress, anxiety and depression contributing to overall well-being and healthier communities. Friendships  promote dialogue and mutual respect, making it easier to prevent misunderstandings on both personal and global scales. In times of crisis, friendships strengthen community resilience. People are more likely to come together to support each other, share resources and rebuild. Overall friendships can spread positive values such as kindness, loyalty and trust fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect, which can significantly contribute to a more peaceful, supportive and prosperous world.

Contact details

ValuesJammer Top Tips

Force rank the ValuesJam cards to help identify your core values.

We want to know what you think of this fanzine? What do you want to see, hear, feel? What ideas do you have for future editions?
We would also love to feature some of your comments about ValuesJam on the website. Please email a star rating out of 5 and a short, expressive comment to

We already distribute from Australia, UK and USA  Please be in touch if you know somebody who might be interested to set up a ValuesJam studio and distribution arrangement in other parts of the world eg EU, India, Far East etc

Contact Us

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