ValuesJam Fanzine Edition 37


Value of the month:


Important dates this month:

Thursday 7th November 5pm

ValuesJam Deepdive conversation introduced by representatives from the World Kindness Movement and Kindness Worldwide

KINDNESS VALUESJAM DEEPDIVE CONVERSATION Tickets, Thu 7 Nov 2024 at 17:00 | Eventbrite

Monday 11th November

Armistice Day


Wednesday 13th November

World Kindness Day

About us – We are Kinder

Saturday 16th November

International Day for Tolerance

Thursday 28th November

Thanksgiving Day (USA)

ValuesJam on YouTube

ValuesJam Guide for Communities


ValuesJam have created a FREE guide for communities which can be downloaded from our website:

How many values-led conversations have you clocked up so far with your ValuesJam card decks?

The game is being played in many different settings including workplaces, family and friendship groups, schools, interview processes, date nights, care homes, youth clubs, community groups.  

Check out the latest Guest Sessions:

INDEPENDENCE ft UK Values Alliance 

BEAUTY ft Robbie Swale

OPENNESS ft Hendrik Backerra


We’d love to hear where YOU have been playing ValuesJam!

Latest publications on the ValuesJam YouTube channel: ValuesJam


Gig Reviews

This year’s ValuesJam Challenge of 31 ValuesJam sessions throughout October in support of World Values Day really was a challenge for co-founder Alan!  This was the impact of overstretched commitments across a variety of projects during the month (World Kindness Movement General Assembly, World Values Day events, Voices of Tomorrow submission deadline, new book project, CX in ConteXt new client work, development of ValuesJam Junior (see more below)) and a birthday celebration. Drawing on his core value of Adaptability, Alan will continue to focus on ValuesJam Guest Sessions in November.



We are delighted to announce the opening of a new ValuesJam studio in Canada 😉

Linda Simpson | LinkedIn is near Edmonton and will be handling distribution of ValuesJam card decks in Canada as part of our ongoing effort to deliver card decks faster, at lower shipping cost and with less carbon impact.  We are actively seeking partners in EU, South America, India and the Far East so please get in touch if opening a ValuesJam studio excites you.

Did you know?

That it is possible to customise the ValuesJam card box and co-brand with your organisation’s logo? 

To find out more and to register your interest message us:

Festive Season Gift Ideas

Wear your values on your sleeve with ValuesJam merchandise. Choose your favourite value on your ValuesJam caps, hoodies and Ts at ValuesJam x ValuesDriven – Values Driven

Special Offer

Black Friday antidote offer:  

From World Kindness Day to Giving Tuesday (13th November – 3rd December) here is your opportunity to be kind and giving: minimum order of 2 decks – pass one forward as an act of kindness and giving. 

In the ValuesJam Studio we are ALL IN: for every person that joins in we will donate a FREE deck to a good cause – suggestions welcome.  ValuesJam decks make great Christmas gifts  – just saying!

KIND&GIVING24 promocode


Fan News

Over the past months, several people have suggested the value (did you see what we did there? 😉) of a version of the ValuesJam card game for children.  ValuesJam co-founderAlan tested the idea on his grandson, 5, (whose three favourite values were Love, Kindness and Beauty!) children of other ages and educators /teachers. The unanimous verdict is that this can be a great way to support the learning pillars from early years upwards and product design and development is now in place. If you are interested in any way please get in touch. 

ValuesJam on the Road

ValuesJam co-founder Alan took some ValuesJam card decks with him for the World Kindness Movement General Assembly in Palermo, Sicily, Italy in October where they were a big hit and more card decks are now in US, Switzerland, Greece and Nigeria as a result. 

Favourite Lyrics

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Princess Diana

“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.” – Eric Hoffer

Check out this track Humble and Kind by Tim McGraw Tim McGraw – Humble And Kind (Official Music Video) – YouTube 161m views!!

And here is a wonderful collection of kindness quotes compiled by (4) Gordon Roesler | LinkedInClick here

Want to Know More?

Resources and links relating to Kindness

Workplace Kindness – Featuring Jenny Haase – YouTube

ValuesJammer in the Spotlight


Nirmala Peters-Mehendale is not only a ValuesJammer but also the immediate Past President of the World Kindness Movement.

What are your core values?

Trust, Compassion, Adaptability, Fun and Collaboration

What is it about KINDNESS that makes it so special for you?

Over the last 2 decades I have become very aware of the large number of people who have helped me succeed and become the person I am today. While reflecting on that growing list, I also became aware of the people I might have supported in some way. This awareness is primarily responsible for me understanding the role of balance – namely that giving and receiving graciously is important while balancing one’s self interest with the greater good.   I slowly grew to understand the key role of kindness in my own life and began to  actively advocate for its importance and spread for individuals, families, organisations, communities and the World.


Why did you join the ValuesJam community?

I strongly believe that ‘Values Drive Behaviour’ and understand  the interlink between the two. In my work in particular as an HR professional and Executive Coach and now promoting Sustainable Kindness,  I see this play out daily and understand the role of Values in making us the person we are and aspire to be.

How are you using your ValuesJam card decks?

I use the ValuesJam cards in my work with undergraduate youth and help them understand the role that values play in our day to day lives and how Values drive us. These sessions create AHAAAA! moments for us all.


Favourite rock n roll moment of magic from a ValuesJam session?

Understanding that I am Persistent –  I had never looked at persistence as a value earlier. I  now understand when, where and how my persistence has helped me grow and also can see when it turned into stubbornness and was a hindrance at times  :))

How could more Kindness improve the world?

Well being –  physical and mental is a growing challenge in our post covid world in particular.  The over relying on social media, Artificial Intelligence and  individualism among other causes is  distancing us from each other. While individual Independence is being valued more and more, it’s Interdependence that is key to flourishing. ‘Sustainable Kindness’, I believe, is a key ingredient to  reduce languishing and increase flourishing. 


Contact details

ValuesJammer Top Tips

Force rank the ValuesJam cards to help identify your core values.

We want to know what you think of this fanzine? What do you want to see, hear, feel? What ideas do you have for future editions?
We would also love to feature some of your comments about ValuesJam on the website. Please email a star rating out of 5 and a short, expressive comment to

We already distribute from Australia, UK, USA and now Canada.  Please be in touch if you know somebody who might be interested to set up a ValuesJam studio and distribution arrangement in other parts of the world eg EU, India, Far East etc

Contact Us

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Contact Us

London  – New Mexico- Sydney- Edmonton-Cities Worldwide
131 Eglinton Hill
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