ValuesJam Fanzine Edition 23


Value of the month:


What is the International Day of Peace?

The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.

This is a long-established universal website that serves all involved in Peace Day, beginning annually with the 100-day Countdown.

This year is particularly significant: It is the 20th Anniversary of the UN Resolution on the Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. A/RES/53/243 B

Let us all create Peace Day every day!

UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, delivers his 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace message.

from International Day of Peace |

Of course we were tempted to post a link to John Lennon’s Imagine this month. Then we found this compilation of the best Peace songs for you to enjoy 27 Best Songs About Peace (All Time Tracks) – Music Grotto


ValuesJam on YouTube


The theme for World Values Day 2023 is Values Bring Us Together


ValuesJam have created a FREE guide for communities which can be downloaded from our website:

To get you ready for ValuesJam sessions in October and embrace the ValuesJam vibe of passing it forward, use the promocode WVD2023 when you order two card decks or more to save £10. About | Values Jam ( 

If you are ready to step it up a level, consider joining Certified ValuesJammer Pro training – learn how to facilitate values-led conversations to connect people using the acclaimed ValuesJam card deck let us know at  

On YouTube  – tune into our latest 

Guest Session featuring:

 Nirmala Peters-Mehendale

Laura & Anelise Elmquist

Colin Smith

 Sally Lewis

Please let us know what is your favourite session so far.

Sign up to the channel ValuesJam – YouTube

We’d be super grateful if you could help us hit an initial 100 or more subscribers so that we can unlock a custom URL for ValuesJam and make it easier for us to be found. 



ValuesJammer Call To Action

Look out for our ValuesJamathon: Each day from 1-31 October a different ValuesJammer will do a LinkedIn live post (LinkedIn Live if you would like or just a regular post) introducing a ValuesJam card at random with a question posted. We need to schedule dates in advance so please be in touch to let us know your preferred date

 If you haven’t done so already you still have time to complete our ValuesJam survey: Which three values do you think play the most important role in bringing people together: 

 REMEMBER TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE  at the PEACE VALUESJAM DEEPDIVE CONVERSATION Tickets, Thu 21 Sep 2023 at 17:00 | Eventbrite on World Peace Day itself.

How about the ValuesJam community collaborating with the Global Poetry Showcase  Send us your poems on the topic of Values Bring Us Together and we will register our ValuesJam community and choose 5 poems to be submitted on 23rd September. Or, if you prefer, you can join in with your own community.

Values Jammer in the Spotlight

Roy Leighton

Who are you?

My name is Roy Leighton, founding director of ‘Positive Peace Cambridge’

 What are your core values? 

Courage. Compassion. Energy (life force). Wisdom.

 Why did you join the ValuesJam community?

Everyone needs a community (or communities) to provide support and challenge. As someone who has been researching and delivering values-based education and training for nearly forty years, it’s important, to me at least, to seek and find my communities. My tribes. My friend and mentor, Meg Wheatley (author of ‘Leadership and the New Science) summed up the importance of community when she said: ‘Whatever the problem is, community is the answer’.

How are you using your ValuesJam card decks? 

1. Icebreaker when working with groups

2. Choosing a topic for debate with groups

3. Personal Coaching

4. Stimulating my own thoughts and ideas

Fave rock n roll moment of magic from a ValuesJam session?

At the end of sessions and retreats, I ask individuals to ‘check out’ by sharing what their next steps are going to be. I then ask each person to randomly choose a card to see if the card they pick can provide some questions and inspiration to assist them as they move forward. I’ve never yet had someone choose a card that hasn’t been perfect for them. That, I think, is magic.

How could more PEACE improve the world?

It removes fear and mistrust of others and creates the conditions for communication and collaboration. This, in turn, creates infinite opportunities for development in every field of human need and interest. From education to politics. Economics to the environment. 

What was your inspiration to work in the field of PEACE

The examples of others who, despite, tremendous challenges persevered to make the world a little better for others. That, and my own personal experience of direct, institutional and cultural violence.

 Contact details

Founding Partner – Positive Peace Cambridge 

Senior Associate – Independent Thinking Ltd 

Creative Director – Undiscovered Country 

Executive Committee Member – The PosEd Consortium 


Publications: Authors Page on Amazon

ValuesJammer Top Tips

Why not share your top tips for using your ValuesJam deck?

We want to know what you think of this fanzine? What do you want to see, hear, feel? What ideas do you have for future editions?
We would also love to feature some of your comments about ValuesJam on the website. Please email a star rating out of 5 and a short, expressive comment to

We already distribute from Australia, UK and USA  Please be in touch if you know somebody who might be interested to set up a ValuesJam studio and distribution arrangement in other parts of the world eg EU, India, Far East etc

Contact Us

London – New Mexico – Sydney – Cities Worldwide
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